ESLO 2016

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The ESLO Congress for 2016 will take place in Athens - Greece
from 30 of June to 3 of July
Find useful information here.

Presidents Welcome letter
Dear colleagues and friends,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the 12th ESLO congress, which will take place in Athens-Greece from the 30th of June to the 3rd July, 2016.

Our society continues its tradition of hosting successful scientific congresses and events and we consider ourselves to be at the forefront of new technological advances with regular updates within the orthodontic community.

The success of this congress is primarily underlined by its distinguished speakers. Selected topics include Biomechanics, Mini-implants, Orthognathic Surgery, Clinical Orthodontics, New Technologies, Lingual orthodontic, Orthodontic aligners and many more, while the main event will feature numerous roundtable discussions for the presentation of the guided program.

I have the honor to announce Dr. Didier Fillion as President of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Giuseppe Scuzzo as Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Drs Esfandiar Modjahedpour and Joji George Tsubaki as Chairmen of the Organizing Committee.

Moreover, the inaugural meeting of "lingual orthodontic dental technicians" will also be held for the first time, with Mr George Antonopoulos as coordinator. Prominent dental technicians from around the world will demonstrate their latest achievements, followed by hands-on seminar.

Apart from a remarkable scientific program, a very interesting social program will also be offered, including cultural and leisure activities which we hope will make your stay in Greece memorable for many years to come!

It would be deeply appreciated by the ESLO council as well as me personally if you honored us with an active participation.

With Best Wishes,

Dr Takis Kanarelis

ESLO President